Hey. This is just a space for some of my poetry and things like that. There won't be much done here other than a story or poem every now and then. I know it's a bit ugly but that's alright. Please enjoy and peace be with you.

the Tree That Lives Next Door:

I saw you dancing. I saw you- you were like a tree, swaying and swaying endlessly. You opened up my heart like a locket- you clogged it up like a pipe. You filled my brain with your colors- I could've sworn I'd died. In front of you I'm shaking and shivering- my eyes bulge from their spots. Don't ever tell me I'm tall- I feel small- I feel weak- your hair's a big soft white blanket made to protect me while I sleep.


In my dreams I see children holding rifles. Covered in muck and grime. They cough up soot and ash as they smoke cigarettes. “war will make corpses of us all.” There is no honor in this. There is no victory. Only blood mixed with dirt. Only piles of corpses miles high full of young people who hadn’t even had a chance to grow up. War is the end of everything. War is death on your doorstep. Looking at you with a smirk. “Did you really think this meant something?”

Daily Prayer

I will not be alone forever and the sun is so bright and so pure and the sky is beautiful and big and perfect and the clouds are pure white and massive and mighty and comforting like walls to protect me from that which may wish to harm me.

a thought about reality from a schizo

I have no way of knowing who or where I am other than my brain using signals from my senses and translating them into images and thoughts and feelings and I'm not so sure I can trust my brain it's brought me to places I never wanted to go way too many times and it tricks me into seeing or hearing things that aren't really there so is my reality even real or am I floating around in nothingness and my brain is making up all of this.